OLYMPICS/ Japan's b_スポーツ の 神様 神社 東京
OLYMPICS/ Japan's b-girl Ami wins Olympic breaking's first gold medal
August 10,スポーツ の 神様 神社 東京 2024 at 07:55 JST
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Ami of Japan is in action during the breaking competition at La Concorde Urban Park at the 2024 Summer Olympics on Aug. 9 in Paris. (REUTERS)
PARIS--Japan's b-girl Ami won gold at the Olympics ' first breaking event by spinning, flipping and toprocking past a field of 16 dancers Friday in a high-energy competition that may not return for future Games.
Ami, legally named Ami Yuasa, won all three rounds in a battle against b-girl Nicka (Dominika Banevič) from Lithuania to clinch the gold, wrapping up a long day of breakers putting hip-hop culture on the Olympic stage with their flow, rhythm and skill at Place de la Concorde stadium.
“Breaking is my expression,” Yuasa said. It's an “expression, an art, but I want to say that breaking also could be part of sports.”
"The fact that breaking was added to the Olympic Games was a great thing because it allowed people to discover all the wonderful things about breaking," Yuasa told reporters.
"Everyone who competed today was able to communicate the wonderful aspects of breaking."
Yuasa, 25, honed her craft at Mizonokuchi Station in Kanagawa Prefecture and went on to become a three-times world championships medalist before making her Olympic breakthrough on Friday.
Breaking is not on the program for Los Angeles 2028, a decision Yuasa said was "regretful."
"I would have loved to see breaking in the LA Olympics because it originated in the U.S.," she said.
"But without Olympics, I think B-Boys and B-Girls will continue the passion of breaking, and the breaking scene will continue to be wonderful and exciting even without the Olympics.
"As far as the future of breaking goes, there is no problem at all."
B-girls stunned the crowd with power moves like headspins, windmills and backflips. Fans remained energetic throughout the competition, which began in the afternoon and ended just before 10 p.m.
Beginning in the quarterfinals phase, eight b-girls from the original 17 squared off in knockout battles of three rounds each to narrow down to the finals. Banevič won the silver medal, and China’s b-girl 671 (Liu Qingyi) took the bronze after battling with b-girl India (India Sardjo) from the Netherlands to “Boom!” by The Roots. Liu is a relative newcomer to the breaking scene.
“Olympics needed breaking because it's like a breath of fresh air,” Banevič said. “Such a big amount of people saw breaking for the first time, like it's huge. And I'm happy that I was able to represent at the highest level of the art form for breaking.”
American disappointment at Olympic breaking
Both American b-girls were eliminated in the first round, a blow to the country representing the birthplace of hip-hop and breaking culture. B-girl Logistx (legal name Logan Edra) and b-girl Sunny (Sunny Choi) both ranked in the top 12 internationally but came up short of the quarterfinals.
“I feel like I still shined and I feel like I still represented the dance and had some moments,” Logistx said. “It was such a big opportunity, it’s such a big platform, and I’m really happy that we’re here.”
Breaking makes its Olympic debut
A panel of nine judges, all b-boys and b-girls in their own right from around the world, scored the breakers based on the Trivium judging system: on technique, vocabulary, execution, musicality and originality — each accounts for 20% of the final score.
Each of the b-girls began by catching the beat as they danced while on their feet — a series called “toprocking” — before launching into their footwork moves on the floor. The soundtrack to their routines was a surprise for each of them, as two DJs spun records on a turntable set up behind the judges.
The judges sat between the circular floor, modeled after a record, and a massive replica of a boombox, in a nod to the musical root of breaking — the breakbeat itself — which is the moment when a song’s vocals drop and the DJ loops the beat over and over. That allows b-boys and b-girls to make their mark on the dance floor.
Breaking is judged qualitatively because of its roots as an art form, and judges use a sliding scale to score each round and battle, adjusting the scale towards the breaker who is winning in each of the above criteria. Throughout, two emcees respond to the personalities and signature moves of each of the breakers to hype up the crowd.
The challenge for organizers was to bring breaking and hip-hop culture to a mass audience, including many viewers who were skeptical about the dance form’s addition to the Olympic roster. But after Friday’s marathon of battles, there’s no doubting the athletic ability and physicality.
Beyond their physical ability, breakers had to make sure to showcase their style and individuality — essential to the culture of hip-hop and breaking.
In all, 33 breakers representing 15 countries and the Refugee Olympic Team made Olympic history on Friday. On Saturday, the b-boys take the stage in what might be their only shot to battle it out for god at the Olympics in the foreseeable future. Breaking was added as an Olympic sport for Paris, but it is not on the slate for Los Angeles in 2028.
Before the battle began, American rapper Snoop Dogg made a grand entrance into the stadium to the soundtrack of “Drop it Like it’s Hot,” prompting cheers and dancing in the stands. The emcees introduced the 17 b-girls competing on Friday, with the b-girls from France and the U.S. received the loudest applause from the crowd.
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